blissful light attunements and treatments


Transmutation attunements aim to assist in the energetic transmutation of energies.

Transmutation is the energetic process of clearing and converting non-serving energies into positive energies. Transmutation may be a beneficial process if you want to clear energies and ensure they are replaced with positive energy.

I recommend considering the Golden Ray Of Transmutation Connection Maintenance Attunement if you want an excellent all-around transmutation attunement.

You may also be interested in negative energy clearing attunements.


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4 products

Dynamic Brigid Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Artemis Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Maha Kali Connections Maintenance Attunement
Gaia Shakti Of Fire Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement
Gaia Shakti Of Fire Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement Sale price£ 9.99 GBP Regular price£ 19.99 GBP

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