blissful light attunements and treatments


Karma healing and clearing attunements aim to assist in clearing or working with karma and karmic energies.

Karma is all about action and the related consequences. These consequences may be good or bad, from past lives or this life. Karma may influence this life by perhaps feeling like you can't move forward, repeated bad choices or misfortune.

Many energy healers like to clear or transmute karmic energies as a good spiritual practice or when working on a specific area with karmic influences. 

I recommend considering the Karma Clearing Maintenance Attunement. You may also be interested in past life attunements.


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38 products

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Ultimate Spiritual Kundalini Enhancement Treatment
Higher Self Maintenance Attunement
Higher Self Maintenance Attunement Sale price£ 19.99 GBP
8888 Angel Number Manifestation Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Karmic Council Connections Maintenance Attunement
Twin Flame Connections Maintenance Attunement
9999 Angel Number Manifestation Maintenance Attunement

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