blissful light attunements and treatments

Angels Of Attunements

The angels of attunement collection are a series of attunements that specialise in connections to specific angelic realms who have a particular role or task. Each attunement aims to provide effective and safe energetic connections and works to first raise your vibration before establishing a connection to ensure the safest possible energies. A good attunement to consider is the Angels Of Energy Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement as it is a great compliment to any energy healing work. Aside from the angels of attunements, there are many other angelic attunements that may be of interest.


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4 products

Angels Of Karma Healing Connection Maintenance Attunement
Angels Of Veil Removal Connection Maintenance Attunement
Angels Of Shamanism Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Angels Of Hidden Knowledge Connection Maintenance Attunement

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